It’s A Wild, Wild, West!
I have a fascination with time travel; in fact one of my favorite shows is Quantum Leap which, by the way, has been rebooted this year. How amazing would it be to visit past times to see how people lived?
Do you Speak Monkey?
Do you speak monkey? Yes, I know that’s a strange question, but humans seem to think that they can be understood by foreigners by speaking slowly and loudly, so I’m guessing that same logic would also work on animals with close genetic ties to humans such as monkeys. But I’ll digress…
K9 Commandos…NOT!
Just Google “Dog Training” and you’ll see a long list of places, claiming to fix your problem dog. The choices can be overwhelming for the average pet parent, after all they have a dog that needs to be fixed, but have no clue who is capable of delivering results, so they have to go with a business image that speaks to the issue.
Stop Swatting the Bees!
There are lots of good reasons to leave bees alone. Number one, bees do so much good for the environment, and two, it hurts when they sting! But today that’s not my point.
Too Many Cooks in the Caldron!
There’s an old saying that too many cooks spoil the broth, or on this HALLOWEEN day, we say that they spoil the caldron of witches brew!
Just Label Them Smart!
We humans love our labels; no I’m not talking about designer clothes labels, but rather the way we toss around our assumptions about other humans, as though one had significant insight about the person.
Please Don’t Call That Dog Training!
On my way to catch the train last week, I saw a guy walking his dog, when suddenly I heard him command, “Drop it!”, followed swiftly with a hard slap on the dog’s back! The dog cried out, but apparently didn’t drop whatever he had in his mouth, so the guy again commanded, “Drop it!” and slapped the dog harder!
The Genius in Untrained Dogs
I don’t train my dogs! Now that I have your attention, it’s not that I don’t train them, of course I do, however, there are so many things dogs do to show us their genius, that are not trained by humans.
Scary July 4th Celebration?
What scares the bejesus out of you? I often ask my clients that question and emphasize that this “thing” is in a room with you, and there’s no way to escape!
Imagine that instead of money, you were paid in a variety of currencies. As an example, think of a variety of things such as theater tickets, concerts, vacations, music and so on. Keep in mind that all these categories have a variety of values. So while you might say that you would definitely work for theater tickets, the question to ask yourself is what’s the production, who’s in it, and how many times would I see it before it is no longer valuable?
Best Social Club Ever
Recently a client contacted me because her dog barks and growls at a particular dog while out for a walk. The client was further baffled because the other dog, as she put it, “Is such a friendly breed.”. Other clients have expressed similar surprise that their dog’s response was less than sociable or that the other dog owner did not want their dog to engage in a “social moment”.
Fixing Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.All the king's horses and all the King's menCould not put Humpty together again.
I’ve been thinking a lot about that nursery rhyme lately, especially in light of our unregulated training industry’s attempt by some, to set a standard for legislation.
Never Play Poker With Your Dog!
Of the many evolutionary changes that turned wolves into dogs, is our companion animal’s unique gift to read and respond to human body language, which they acquired over the thousands of years of cooperative living together.
Aging to Perfection
As a trainer and applied animal behaviorist, the bulk of my business is working with humans who just adopted a puppy, adolescent or young adult dog. And that makes sense because this population of dogs is typically going to display issues that the average person does not have the knowledge to change, so they call a professional.
It’s Not Science, It’s Dog Training!
There was a time when the tabloids beckoned anyone standing in the grocery checkout line to take them home! And I used to wonder who the heck would believe headlines like, “JFK alive and well on a remote island” or “Famous actress is carrying alien baby”?
Senior State of Mind
Freddie was my heart-dog and I lost him to cancer when he was only 9 years old. Saying I was devastated, doesn’t begin to explain my heartbreak.
Scarier Than Ghosts, Goblins & Ghouls!
It’s that frightful time of the year, when ghosts, goblins and ghouls appear!
Finding the Perfect Dog
How many times have mothers and fathers expressed, when their little tykes were still in diapers, that they want her or him to grow up to be an accountant, doctor, musician, etc.?
The Karate K9
For those of a certain age, you may remember the original Karate Kid that came out in 1984, and if not, here’s a refresher.
Bad Behavior is Not an Option
When I was a student dog trainer, enrolled in group classes with my dog, while I could see the positive changes that my dog was making, all I could think about was what I should do when the dog does something bad!